Bei welchen klinischen Symptomen muss man an SLE (Systemischer Lupus Erythematosus) denken?

Mai 15, 2013 | Immundiagnostik, News

Most common signs and symptoms in the „Euro-Lupus“ cohort (n=1000) during the 10-year prospective study (1990-2000)

Arthritis 84% Sicca syndrome 16%
Malar rash 58% Livedo reticularis 14%
Fever 52% Thrombosis 14%
Photosensitivity 45% Lymphadenopathy 12%
Nephropathy 39% Discoid lesions 10%
Serositis 36% Myositis 9%
Raynaud’s phenomenon 34% Haemolytic anaemia 8%
Neurologic involvement 27% Lung involvement 7%
Oral ulcers 24% Subacute cutaneous lesions 6%
Thrombocytopenia 22% Chorea 2%

J. Solis et al.
Systemic lupus erythematosus
In The General Practice Guide to Autoimmune Diseases
Pabst Science Publishers (2012)